
Site name and description:

Celebritysmackblog.com is a blog about celebrities, pop culture, and gossip. The blog was started by the founder ”Spicy” as a hobby, but turned into an obsession and she started doing it fulltime.

URL: http://www.Celebritysmackblog.com

Type: entertainment

Design Overview:

The design has a young look, and reflects the pop culture with the use of bright colors (such as pink) and “cutesy” font. The website is cluttered with a lot of ads, and has a static front page with the exception of a slide show headlining various stories. The front page links to other pages on the blog, and also has a search box.


The audience appears to be young, ranging from teens to people in their late twenties.

Business/Site Goals:

To attract readers interested in celebrities, pop culture, and gossip, as well as create revenue through ad clicks.

Social Media Integration:

The site features a social media panel including RSS, twitter, facebook, and an android/mobile web app.

Technologies Used:

The site uses RSS, javascript, WordPress blog, CSS, HTML, widgets.

Team Members:

Dawn and Josefina



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